Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Girl Can Dream.

Even though I won't be hearing any wedding bells in the near future that doesn't mean I can't plan a few minor
 details of my future wedding, right? As a girl with a little too much free time I have taken the liberty of picking out my future wedding dress, season of wedding & a couple more things that don't need to be revealed just yet. I got to keep some things a surprise! Anyways, I would like to dedicate this post to my future wedding (fingers crossed). So please, enjoy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Dear Aunt Cindy.

It is sometimes hard for me to put the way I feel into words, especially at times like these. So for now I will let my big sister Jessica who I love so much do most of the explaining: 
This morning my sweet Aunt Cindy passed away after a long battle with her health. She had a bone marrow transplant, which led to many complications and finally a hole in her heart. She was one of the most geniune and kind people I have ever known. She served, she loved, she truly cared. I loved hugs from her becuase she let you know you were special and she meant them. I remember spending Christmas with her and her family and how we would all sit and chat for hours. I remember one holiday we talked of the life to come and the joys it would brings, relief from sorrow, happy reunions, and life with our Savior. She would often talk of visiting places she once new, and those she's never been. She was genuinely interested in the lives of others. She showed her love by caring for her family. She always gave of herself. She showed this in the way she took care of her father-in-law (until he passed), her two boys Bryson and Josh, her husband Bill, and her daughter Amber and her family. Her grandchilren adored her. McKenna loved to climb in bed with her Grandma early in the morning and Mason just loved being with her. The day before she died was her son Josh's 16th birthday. They spent the day celebrating together, even though Cindy was in great pain. Even in her last few hours on Earth, she thought of her family first by hanging on just long enough for one more celebration. She loved others more than herself. We spent lovely vacations together, and enjoyed the beach. While going through Kemo, she would often imagine herself in Hawaii (her favorite vacation spot) and plan her next trip. Her quiet ways brought peace to the room. She was truly a choice spirit who taught us all how to love better and how to follow our Savior. She has a great work to do in the next life, but will truly be missed in this one. I love her so much and am grateful for the many lessons she has taught me. I only wish I had the opportunity to say goodbye.
The last time I saw my sweet Aunt was at a family get together at a cabin where we would spend some time during the summer up in Utah. She was sweet and loving as ever and genuinely interested in my upcoming plans I had for my life. Her and my Uncle Bill would always try to set me up with these young doctors that worked closely with Cindy. I loved how much I could tell they cared about me and my future. I am so grateful for each and every moment I was able to spend with her and her family. I will cherish those memories forever and will learn from her many Christ-like qualities. I am so thankful for her example and for the legacy which she has left behind. I cannot wait for the day when I will see her once again. I love you Aunt Cindy.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Making Something of Myself.

After returning to Arizona I once again enrolled in my beloved photography classes. As I have already accomplished photo I & II at the college level, I am now taking an independent study course where I complete one project over the semester that would be suitable for an exhibition. I have chosen to take portraits of my family members but these will not be your ordinary portraits. I am only in the infancy of this project but am coming up with ideas faster than I can shoot. Being back in the darkroom has reignited my love of photography, especially film which has long been a favorite over digital. A day or two back in class I was approached by my teacher to be a lab supervisor. I was currently job hunting so this was the perfect opportunity for me. Being paid to develop & print my pictures is definitely the perfect job. I am just happy to be back where I belong - in the dark with negatives & paper in hand.